Need a new keyboard

Posted by Kromey at 4:17pm Sep 24 '13
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I have a Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro; this is one of those split-key "ergonomic" keyboards, and while I have no idea if it truly is better for my wrists and whatnot, I find it comfortable and familiar -- and I should, I've been using the same keyboard for more than 10 years now!!

However, this is a wireless keyboard, and recently it has become a huge source of frustration for me, mostly in the form of refusing to acknowledge keystrokes. Naturally, this comes and goes, unpredictably, but it's been getting a lot more frequent and a lot worse lately. Replaced the batteries yesterday (first time since I got the off-brand AAs that came with the thing 10+ years ago!), to no effect (or, if anything, to worse results!).

In any case, I'm now in the market for a new keyboard. One that is not wireless, because wireless can cause problems and, frankly, I have no need for the keyboard that never leaves my desk to be wireless.

I'm eyeing this one: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000
It's the one (or very very similar to the one) I used at my last office job, and despite being absolutely filthy (previous user of it was apparently a rather messy desk-eater) it was an awesome keyboard.

Anyone have any other recommendations for a good, wired, split-key "ergonomic" keyboard?

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