Weird speaker issue

Posted by Kromey at 9:05pm Apr 28 '13
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I'm having an issue with my computer's nice 5.1 speakers. The front left speaker will occasionally cut out, only to (an unpredictable amount of time later) seemingly recover, producing a series of pops and distorted audio for a second or two and then operating as if nothing ever happened.

This is incredibly -- surprisingly -- disorienting when it cuts out like this, especially to someone who's had issues with one ear or another and as a result is now almost a hypochondriac when it comes to my hearing.

My plan is to find one of the rear speakers (it's a 5.1 system, but I only have 3.1 plugged in right now, the rear speakers being packed away still somewhere I think) and swap out the troublesome speaker, to see if the speaker itself is the issue or not, but I also want to hear if anyone else has any other ideas on what's going on. I can already confirm that this is almost certainly not a software issue: The issue presents itself in both Linux and Windows, with no discernible difference between the two OSes (insofar as the audio issue goes, of course).

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