Going with a budget build

Posted by Sir Four at 3:08pm Oct 2 '11
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I need to replace my desktop (built circa 2006), which is now showing its age. But as I'm pursuing frugal living strategies, the replacement has got to be a budget build. (the 2006 build was > $1,000.) But it's also got to be fast for multitasking, coding, sleeping and waking up. I'd like it to be energy-efficient, too.

I've already bought these parts:

8GB G.skill DDR3 1600, 8-8-8 timings ($50 on shell-shocker)
60GB Patriot Pyro SSD ($80 after rebate)

I finally decided on a processor. Core i3 2105 3.1 GHz. It's got the updated on-chip Intel graphics, so no need for a graphics card (I don't play high-end games). This was ~$130.

For a storage hard drive, I'm going to reuse a 250 GB drive from my old computer for now. I'm going to test my theory that installing Windows + program files on the SSD is going to really pay off for performance, regardless of processor speed. The Patriot Pyro is a fast little sucker.

I'll be getting a Z68 motherboard (considering this one). It should be compatible with Intel's next year line-up of processors, so upgrading the proc to something spiffy could be a possibility next year if the i3 proves to be a limiting factor. I actually don't expect that it will, though. We shall see.
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