motherfucker....need some help?

Posted by 79 at 11:17am Sep 16 '11
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sound issues. a couple days ago my computer started fuzzing all the sound it outputs - as if you were jiggling connections or had some really strong interference. it's not constant, more like short hiccups, especially when there's bass (i want my massive attack, dammit!).

....and it's inside the tower, whatever it is. the screwy thing is that it seems to be completely independent of the sound device used (PCI sound card does it, USB to my keyboard's headphone jack does it, etc - with or without my output mixer, happens to my speakers as well as my headphones, etc).

so where the hell to look? no hardware/software changes to coincide....not even a tiny install. just started happening.

it does some weird stuff as well - playing plants vs zombies, it suddenly went to loud buzzing instead of any sound. pause game, switch main output from one sound device to another, and go back to game.....sounds all work perfectly again, except the music has dropped out completely.

it's not just the tiny *kkxx* that happen randomly, it's that this computer is an integral part of my sound studio. yecch. the only thing i can think of is to go into Sonar and go through (Sonar has access to deeper levels of sound engines than you can ever find through control panel or anything like that, but the downside is that at that level there are soooo many variables).

(oh, and sometimes it's rhythmic - aside from other pops and hisses, it'll glitch exactly second by second for a bit, then go back to completely random).

any idea where to start searching for solutions?
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