My ISP changed their offerings

Posted by Kromey at 4:36pm Sep 8 '10
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Apparently -- and this was a surprise I learned this morning -- my ISP rescinded their unlimited internet plans (which were, contrary to the going trend in this country, truly unlimited) and instated download caps. To be fair to them, though, at they same time they stopped claiming them to be "unlimited", even though the new caps are plenty generous -- 50GB/month on their smallest plan!

I'd heard this as a rumor this morning, and called them up to confirm, and yup, it was true. But, they also just unveiled some brand-new plans, all with faster speeds than equivalent prices used to buy you! So for the same price I was paying for an 8Mbps plan (actually, when they instated the caps everyone got a slight upgrade in speed and a small increase in price -- I was paying an extra $5/mo and got upgraded to 10Mbps), we're now getting 15Mbps! And our upload speed is double -- from 512Kbps to 1Mbps!

To Eagle River, AK (nearest server), and to Seattle, WA:
14.25Mbps down/0.95Mbps up 15.13Mbps down/0.93Mbps up
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