Hey Gurus, Help!

Posted by Sir Four at 11:17am Apr 14 '10
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It's been over a year since I connected my Wii to the internet. In that time I switched ISPs. I can't get the Wii to connect to the internet now. I've tried everything.

The wireless access point is the same as before. It's open, no security settings. New ISP has static IPs. I enter all the information in the Wii configuration and it doesn't work. I've triple-checked what I entered--it's all right. My Tivo had no problem working under these same conditions. It's just the Wii. It won't connect.

I found some information suggesting my ISP-provided router could be firewalling the Wii traffic. Don't know if that's the case... doesn't make a lot of sense. Any advice here?
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