Have you tried StaxRip?

Posted by C at 3:08am Mar 12 '10
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It's free and open source. It's pretty sweet. Makes me wish that I had a better computer and a Blu-ray drive!

It's got presets for popular devices. Accepts a ton of formats and outputs with a load of options and customizations. This is my now my go to video converter/ripper. There's tons of help and advice in the Doom9 (thread linked below) and the developer does some tech support via e-mail. It's a frontend for a lot of other tools; all of which can be used separately and independently. However, this frontend makes life a lot easier and is great for decreasing your workflow, besides it's a pretty clever GUI.

And yes, I know there's Riptbot264, MeGUI, Super, GK and AutoGK, HandBrake etc, but none of those seem to have quite the control or options that StaxRip does while being simple.

The developer has taken some time off developing StaxRip (until Winter) but up until this point, there have been lots of updates and fixes. Right now, the beta seems very stable and works great.
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