Finally got my MacBook up and running again.

Posted by C at 7:39pm Feb 13 '10
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added on 7:40pm Feb 13 '10:
I can't start a new thread with this post. W-T-F? I can only post it as an additional comment.


- Upgraded the HDD (from 60GB to 120GB) in the process.
- Got to clean out some dust and dog hair that otherwise is impossible to get to.
- I'm getting better and better breaking this thing down and putting it back together.

- I lost one of those fucking tiny (#0) screws.
- I realized a little too late that I installed the 120GB HDD in my MacBook, instead of my 320GB HDD

Other Thoughts:
- It looks like my PS3 is going to get a 320GB upgrade instead of the planned 120GB. That means, I'll have a 40GB and a 60GB drive to put into external enclosures for sneakernetting.

Why is 4K giving me such a hard time to post this post????

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