Video problems.

Posted by Gelato at 2:27pm Dec 25 '09
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Hi, folks!

My mom, who is even more tech-challenged than I am, is having problems playing video on her computer. Like, it'll play video, but along the way the picture will suddenly freeze, and then the audio will keep going for a couple more seconds before also freezing, and then a few more seconds will go by before the whole thing will skip ahead in the video to continue playing; rinse and repeat. I don't know if she has this problem playing stuff on the internet (e.g., YouTube), but she definitely has trouble playing video on WMP, iTunes, and every other media player on her computer. The problems are even worse when she tries to play a DVD. She has no trouble playing music on iTunes, however, so it's a video-specific problem, which makes me think it's a problem with the video card. Also, it's not a hard-drive space issue, as there's about 97.8 GB free on her hard drive.

Now, this is not my computer, and I don't use it a whole lot, but here's what I know about her computer:
HP Pavilion
Windows XP Home Edition, 2002, Service Pack 3
Intel Pentium 4 2.93-GHz Processor
1.49 GB RAM
Norton AntiVirus (Boo.)

I don't know how to find out about the video card. Help?
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