
Posted by Terminus at 10:52am Dec 20 '09
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1st search, for a historical figure: I see right away Bing is in 3rd. I ended up picking Google, but Yahoo was a pretty close second.
2nd, for a person I know IRL: I end up picking Bing, but the results are about equal. I actually like Bing's results the least in a way (there are more results that are likely to be completely irrelevant), but it's the only one that actually brought up the correct person's Facebook profile. The only reason Bing wins.
3rd, for a local business: Bing. The only one that actually found that business, and it was the first result at that. Google and Yahoo are about tied with 'good guesses', but none are them are the thing I was looking for.
4th, for a local church: Google, far and away--all first page results are relevent. Bing comes in distant second for giving me more results about real estate in a neighborhood with the name of the church, rather than a church (which I included in the search).

2 Google, 2 Bing. I will still use Google.
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