
Posted by Guamo at 5:31pm Dec 16 '09
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I need to get more sleep. I read that as "...offer free will." Suffice to say, I was pretty confused, yet intrigued at the same time. Now I'm almost disappointed :)

Anyways, I'm pretty sure most people will continue to rush through to get their burger. I see this more as the next step in McDonald's rebranding campaign. After all the bad press a while ago about the unhealthiness of their food, they've been trying their best to change that image. Think of the adult fit meals they had for a while (with water and a salad), and the McCafes that are so prevalent now. Whether or not people actually use McDonald's as a cafe is probably irrelevant to the higher ups. What they really want is for people to think that they could use it as one, or that some people are using it as one. Then McDonald's gets a rep as an up to date company that is trying to cater to their customers' needs.
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