
Posted by Kromey at 12:40pm Nov 2 '09
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It requires that the person you talk to also be on Skype (i.e. no fancy talking-to-the-other-guy-who's-on-MSN), but IMHO the video and audio quality is unmatched. [private] and I have been using it daily while I'm here in India, as well as we used it while I was in Pennsylvania last year (about the same time, as a matter of fact...). I've even used Skype to call my credit card company's fraud department (i.e. I called a US-based landline from here in India) and clear up some charges so I could use my card again, and the call quality was superb!

If you're using Ubuntu (which I know you are) you can probably install Skype via the "Add new programs" utility; if not, you can download the .deb package directly from Skype's website at the link below.

Disclaimer: I've yet to use Skype on Linux, but a few short minutes of Googling suggests that lots of people have had great success with it, and I haven't yet seen any serious complaints about it (none more serious than "My loser friends are such losers they won't download Skype - losers!").
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