Well, what makes a small screen so bad for you?

Posted by Sedruce at 4:34pm Oct 15 '09
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I'm not fond of it for a lot of things--even IMing has become a pain in the ass because the screen is too small.

BUT, I got it not for watching movies or IMing, but for writing. And if I view my work in webpage mode and with a large font, the small screen makes zero difference (and is actually LESS intimidating to me, at least, than a BIG blank screen...).

For my usual computer use, Lloyd is very very inferior, and downright unusable for some things.

But for writing, he's brilliant (well, soon's I get a hang of the fucking keyboard at least).

added on 4:35pm Oct 15 '09:
BTW, for your amusement: the screen is too small to even be able to play with 4k very much.

The bottom frames are half cut off no matter what I do (though I can scroll within the bottom frames).

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