Re: Prototype + Scriptaculous

Posted by Sir Four at 11:31am Oct 12 '09
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Scriptaculous is UI effects, right?

I resisted using these frameworks for a long time, one because I don't work with javascript that much, and two because I had a perception that they were bloated and mostly for eye candy. I realize now, though, they solve a lot of problems for the developer and make development much quicker. I did get into YUI a little bit some time ago, because they were one of the first to have a good slider input. The lack of a standard HTML slider input was a big oversight I think, and only javascript can rectify it. But on the whole I find the YUI library to have a fairly steep learning curve. I've been playing around with JQuery lately for it's simplicity. I rather like it, the documentation is pretty good, and there are many plugins available.

Actually, now that I look at YUI again it seems they've added some cool stuff recently.
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