...seriously, Apple?

Posted by Sedruce at 4:13am Oct 9 '09
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I have a second gen iPod. I just updated the OS on it (cost me five bucks...seriously Apple, gonna CHARGE me to update something I own? Wow...and mind you, this is half the price it originally was).

Now, there's a new perma-app on it (I HATE perma-apps cuz they may be useless to me, like the stocks tool, but I have to leave them on my home screen, making clutter). It's a voice memo app.

Fantastic, Apple! I have no mic. Thanks for giving me an absolutely USELESS app that I can't get rid of.

In addition, they took away THE most useful feature.

It used to be that I could double-click the home button and get a mini player menu popped up OVER whatever's going on. This still works from sleep mode (don't have to unlock just to stop or skip songs), but I can no longer control music while playing with my apps. Which sucks on a LOT of levels.

WTF Apple. I just paid you 5 bucks to give me clutter and downgrade me. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
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