I plan to if the USB hub isn't to blame

Posted by Sedruce at 4:25pm Oct 8 '09
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My computer is a HUGE pain in the ass to pull out (...it involves moving furniture...), so I'm hoping it's just the USB hub. I unplugged the USB hub and no zappage yet... I really do think that's what it was, it's been acting up for a little while. It's a cheap POS that's almost three years old, so it's probably expiring. A yearish ago, one of the USB ports stopped working; a little later, another would no longer connect to the computer (still gets power though--it's powered by an AC adapter in the wall, not the computer). If indeed this is USB hub's fault, it's not too surprising.

I need a new USB hub now. And I LOVED the design of this one. It's a dome, about the size of a baseball sliced through the middle, with 6 USB ports coming off the back and one off the top.
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