Domain name registrars

Posted by Kromey at 4:21pm Sep 28 '09
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I know there are several people on here with domain names, and I'm sure there are others around here as well who have some input to provide.

Who do you recommend for a registrar?

Currently I'm using GoDaddy, but I've grown increasingly dissatisfied with the quality of service, not to mention that their website is growing increasingly more annoying. I highly doubt I'll ever run afoul of their infamous predilection for "hijacking" domains they find objectionable; I nonetheless have no desire to continue to support such practices.

I currently have 12 domains that I own/manage, with near-future plans for at least 2 more*, so an efficient interface is a must. I also highly prefer (but don't necessarily require) a registrar that will allow me to provide my own nameservers - I know there are at least a few out there who don't.

So, suggestions?

*Speaking of wanting to acquire some new domains, anyone know of somewhere I can acquire a .is (Iceland) domain name for a reasonable price? So far only found one demanding US$150/year, which is insane!
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