So, if I have to buy a new laptop

Posted by Worker Bee at 3:53pm Sep 3 '09
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What should I be getting.

I think I'm leaning towards a mac, especially since you can now duel boot them in windows (i think!)

So if I get a mac, should I get a macbook or a macbook pro. The key difference I can see is that one uses ddr2 ram, and the other uses ddr3 ram. I have no idea what that means, and if it would affect anything that i'm doing. The only thing that I'm particularly worried about is duel booting, because i have no experience with that... And I'm going to be doing programming in a windows environment, so it is important that it boots well in windows.

Does anyone have any advice here? I think there would be about a $150 difference if everything else were the same specs, down to the same amount of hard drive space, same processor (i think), and same amount of Ram (4 gigs).

And if anyone has a well built windows machine to recommend, that would last for years, feel free to speak up.
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