coupla video questions...?

Posted by 79 at 5:20pm Aug 24 '09
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first, the codec that my camera uses is basically useless (eg; 3min video = 245mb). i want a good converter - in this case, *.mov => *.avi preferred. i don't need to go all-out video editing, not my thing. and i'm still sorta a novice at even the more advanced encoding options. a simple UIE would be nice. the options i'm looking for involve a/v codecs used, resolution, that sorta basic stuff.

i've tried a few over the years, but they either couldn't do what i wanted, or tried to do so much else that i got a whole bunch of settings wrong because i had no idea what they were.

anyone got recommendations? i could scour majorgeeks, but i'd rather not have a lot of extra useless crap on this comp......trying to keep it clean (not referring to adware/spyware, just programs i'll never use).

secondly, once i get those files down to a decent size, i want to upload them to youtube. i'm assuming i won't have much trouble on that front, but any tips would be appreciated.
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