Posted by Otter at 4:48pm May 14 '09
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You must sign in to send Otter a message
Doubtful as ever but no longer able to avoid the inevitable... I embraced Windows 7 RC1 in a dual-boot configuration with my existing Windows XP Core2Quad box at work.
It... is actually... pretty damn cool. The RC1 eval is supposed to last about a year and by then they should have RTM and even Final release.
I'm excited for the coming new feature of running programs in "XP Mode" (a microkernel virtual PC automatically executing code as you designate). Cool if it works slickly.
I already like it better than I ever liked Vista... now just to eliminate a couple slightly annoying bugs.
It... is actually... pretty damn cool. The RC1 eval is supposed to last about a year and by then they should have RTM and even Final release.
I'm excited for the coming new feature of running programs in "XP Mode" (a microkernel virtual PC automatically executing code as you designate). Cool if it works slickly.
I already like it better than I ever liked Vista... now just to eliminate a couple slightly annoying bugs.