Online backup solutions

Posted by Kromey at 11:02pm Jan 18 '09
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So now that I'm finally getting my act together and centralizing my files on my fileserver, which has a nice versioned backup system in place, it's about time to implement Phase 2 of my plan: Off-site (i.e. online) backups.

As I began looking into the options online, it seems that virtually all of them require client software, which runs on only Windoze or Mac. My fileserver is Linux. Now, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that I could use my Windoze box as a "bridge" of sorts between my fileserver and the online service, but I'd rather keep it contained on the fileserver as much as possible.

So the question:
Does anyone know of an online backup solution that I can access from a Linux machine? Bigger is better, and I don't mind paying, but it's gotta be comparable to services like ElephantDrive (a little more is okay, but I'm not looking to spend horrendous sums of cash here).
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