MS Word metadata

Posted by Kromey at 11:15am Jan 6 '09
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So here's the deal: I created my resume using a friend's as a template. It looks quite nice, really, hence why I used it.

Anyway, Word has this nasty habit of adding metadata to its documents, such as the little bit that says that my resume was written by my friend!

Normally I wouldn't care, except that I want to start posting the PDF version, and Word 2007's "Export to PDF..." function makes the document "author" very very pronounced in the resulting PDF!

So how do I get rid of that? I could do this in a heartbeat in Word 2003, but I can't seem to find even a read-only view of the document metadata in 2007. Anyone know where I can get at and change this data?

And before anyone brings up the OpenOffice suggestion, I've already tried that - the document's formatting gets royally fubared in OO, which is pretty depressing when you realize that the header is a very simple two-cell table and everything else is nothing more than newlines, tabs, and font styles!
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