Well, shit.

Posted by Gelato at 12:20am Jun 16 '07
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I'm trying to type up a post, and all of a sudden the computer keeps putting p's in the text box. Like, it won't stop until I hit "delete." Meanwhile, the "p" key itself doesn't work. I have to hit the s_acebar to get the _rocess started...exce_t it doesn't seem to be working anymore. Now it's just the key that doesn't work. At least I don't have to kee_ hitting the "delete" button anymore.

Fucking hos_ital la_to_... I can't check the keyboard, because it's encased in _lastic wra_. So now I'm running a virus scan, to see if that's the _roblem. Anybody have any other suggestions? This thing is _issing me off.

added on 2:18pm Jun 17 '07:
Nevermind. I'm finally home again, so I don't have to deal with that piece of junk anymore.
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