which browser to use

Posted by Trogdor at 10:02am Nov 8 '06
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ok, after being at my little sister's house i got used to tabbed browsing. She used IE6 with the MSN Live Toolbar installed, it allowed IE to have tabbed browsing. Now i'm used to IE, i like it and it likes me. I hate MSN though and installing the Live Toolbar installs MSN Live...

Now I want a browser that is similar to IE that has tabbed browsing and wont annoy the fuck out of me.

what are my options? the ones i know of are:
Firefox 1.something
Firefox 2.0 (heard its buggy still)
Opera 9.0

does anyone else know of any good browsers that have support for Tabbed browsing?

and the first person to say Firefox rules without being able to justify it will get a slap to the face.
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