Computer Problems

Posted by Gregness at 8:41pm Oct 1 '06
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So I'm looking to the 4K community first, so I can save some embarassment from my co-workers at the Help Desk...

Anyway, so I have a Dell Desktop(can't remember the exact model at this point, but it was pretty top-of-the-line when I got it in September of 2003). Anyway, over the last couple of days, it has been doing the following things on occasion:

1) Freezing
2) The phenomenon of the monitor losing connection with the CPU...what I mean by this is...the monitor is still on, but it does not recognize the CPU being on(even though it is)
3) Blue Screen of Death(only happened once so far though)

The most frequent problem is #2. It seems to happen between 15-30 minutes after actually using the computer. There's nothing I can really do(tried turning the monitor off and back on...tried disconnecting and reconnecting the monitor to the computer) I just turn the computer off, and back on. Things seem fine for 15, 20 minutes...then it happens again. I believe this happened about 10 times last night. I'm not sure what else to do.
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