Bluetooth Media Player

Posted by Random at 12:24pm Oct 1 '06
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I have been looking for a bluetooth media player for quite some time that is in the $200-400 range and can't seem to find what I want. Does anyone have any suggestions? The ideal player thus far would be the iUbi Blue PMP2500B, but that's $470 and it's only available in the UK as far as I know. I've been looking at Archos Media Players but I can't find if they have bluetooth or not.

My main problem is the bluetooth part. I really want that but I can't seem to find a good multimedia player that has it. I'd love to have it built in and it would probably be a plus if the brand that makes the player, has a downloadable/something similar to iTunes/Windows Media Store. Though, the more I think about it, I don't those are really needed anyway unless I want to legally purchase videos or something. I suppose I could probably burn them onto here and somehow transfer it over. But I digress :P

With the iUbi Blue PMP2500B, it supports a million formats and I love that kind of freedom since I don't usually care to convert my files into something that's more convenient for media player use since I'm a bit lazy in that aspect and additionally, I don't need to.

The music/video formats I have include: mp3, wav, ogg, flac (this one I use quite a bit actually for music), wma, avi, mov, wmv, divx stuff, as well as vlc media files as well. I'm asking for too much as you can see, but I'd like to meet as many of these wishes as possible and still be $400 or less.

Any ideas/help?
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