More on The Big Lie

Posted by Kromey at 2:05pm Dec 16 '13
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[Insurance policy cancellations] are fundamental to making the law work as written. The Affordable Care Act relies on previously uninsured young people to overpay for coverage they don't need, and for previously insured adults to pay for health contingencies they will never face, be it childbirth for men or pediatric dental care for grandparents. That is what is supposed to allow more people to be covered and to keep overall rates in check. Since making people's health insurance more expensive is not particularly popular, Obama lied about it, and not only when he claimed you could keep your plan and your doctor.

It's a fundamental part of making the law-as-written work, yet for years he continued to lie to us repeatedly with "If you like your insurance, you can keep it".

I won't hold my breath for the run of apologies I and countless others are owed when we were called the liars for pointing out how Obama's Big Lie couldn't possibly be true.

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