Posted by Kazper at 8:01pm May 29 '09
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eye = ptid
ear = pciz
nose = psij
tongue = pnir
hand = pkig
sense / sen's'z
see = nwihwptid
hear = nwihwpciz
smell = nwihwpsij
taste = nwihwpnir
feel/touch = nwihwpkig
[?] / ky'sk'e'nw'i'hw'pt'i'd
appearance = skenwihwptid
sound = skenwihwpciz
odour = skenwihwpsij
flavour = skenwihwpnir
texture = skenwihwpkig
ky = category that [x1] equal member that of pwl (categoryhqbw) ml
Definitions like the one above may change over time, as things get more clear and precise.
~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~
eye = ptid
ear = pciz
nose = psij
tongue = pnir
hand = pkig
sense / sen's'z
see = nwihwptid
hear = nwihwpciz
smell = nwihwpsij
taste = nwihwpnir
feel/touch = nwihwpkig
[?] / ky'sk'e'nw'i'hw'pt'i'd
appearance = skenwihwptid
sound = skenwihwpciz
odour = skenwihwpsij
flavour = skenwihwpnir
texture = skenwihwpkig
ky = category that [x1] equal member that of pwl (categoryhqbw) ml
Definitions like the one above may change over time, as things get more clear and precise.
~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~