What the hell again!

Posted by Kazper at 2:35pm May 28 '09
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Some common incomplete sentences:

i possess request that equal td you convey [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg [nycj] kg
cnfv [nycj] kg

Who is x1?
i possess request that equal td you convey name that represents [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg namz pb nepnej [nycj] kg
cnfv namz pb nepnej [nycj] kg
naml [nycj] kg

What is x1?
i possess request that equal td you convey cmar that represents [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg cmar pb nepnej [nycj] kg
cnfv cmar pb nepnej [nycj] kg
cmaj [nycj] kg

When is [x1]?
i possess request that equal td you convey term that represent time that [x1] in (metaphorical time preposition) timehqbw.
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg tenl pb nepnej timz pb [nycj] fnpv timzhqbw kg
cnfv timz pb [nycj] fnpv timzhqbw kg
timl [nycj] kg

Where is [x1]?
i possess request that equal td you convey term that represent location that of [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg tenl pb nepnej mcatir pb knd [nycj] kg
cnfv tenl pb nepnej mcatir pb knd [nycj] kg
mcaj [nycj] kg

i possess request that equal td you convey cause that of effect that equal [[td]] [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg causz pb knd cffecd pb tyg [[td]] [nycj] kg
cnfv causz pb knd cffecd pb tyg [[td]] [nycj] kg
caud [nycj] kg

i possess request that equal td you convey effect that of cause that equal [[td]] [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg cffecd pb knd causz pb tyg [[td]] [nycj] kg
cnfv cffecd pb knd causz pb tyg [[td]] [nycj] kg
cffv [nycj] kg

i possess request that equal td you create [[td]] [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cneatz [[td]] [nycj] kg
cnez [nycj] kg

Be quiet.
i possess request/suggestion/command that equal td you/s donot td you/s create sound.
pewb nyd nekuesd/sukkesd/cmmand pb tyg td peqv/peqvhqji [[twv]] td peqv/peqvhqji cneatz sk'e'nw'i'hw'pn'e'z kg
fuied kg

What's your favourite [x1]?
i possess request that equal td you convey [x1] that possess effect that equal td you possess pleasure most.
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg [nycj] pb nyd cffecd pb tyg td peqv nyd pmeasd msd kg
cnfv [nycj] pb nyd cffecd pb tyg td peqv nyd pmeasd msd kg
pmez [nycj] kg

What does it [x1] ("look" as an example) like?
i possess request that equal you convey object (or noun as it's more general) that possess [nycj] that similar nycjhqvq that of object/noun that I point in direction that of object/nounhqvq
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td peqv cnfeg psecd/kur pb nyd [nycj] pb tuyhwtyg nycjhqvq pb knd psecd/kurhqdba kg
[[psez]] [nycj] kg

What would you like to [x1] ("eat" as an example)?
i possess request that equal you convey [x1] that you possess desire that equal you [x2] x1hqbw kg
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg peqv cnfeg [pwhackz] pb peqv nyd tesinz pb tyg peqv [fqhackz] pwhackzhqbw kg
cnfv [pwhackz] pb peqv nyd tesinz pb tyg peqv [fqhackz] pwhackzhqbw kg
netez [pwhackz] [fqhackz] kg

i possess request that eqaul td [x1].
pewb nyd nekuesd pb tyg td [nycj] kg
nekg [nycj] kg

i possess suggestion that equal td [x1].
pewb nyd sukkesd pb tyg td [nycj] kg
sukg [nycj] kg

i possess command that equal td [x1].
pewb nyd cmmand pb tyg td [nycj] kg
cmml [nycj] kg

i possess desire that equal td [x1].
pewb nyd tesinz pb tyg td [nycj] kg
tesj [nycj] kg

i possess need that equal td [x1].
pewb nyd need pb tyg td [nycj] kg
neez [nycj] kg

[x1] possess cause that equal td [x2].
[pwhackz] nyd causz pb tyg td [fqhackz] kg
[pwhackz] nycj [fqhackz] kg

[x1] possess effect that equal td [x2].
[pwhackz] nyd cffecd pb tyg td [fqhackz] kg
[pwhackz] nycv [fqhackz] kg

[x1] possess reason that equal td [x2].
[pwhackz] nyd neasr pb tyg td [fqhackz] kg
[pwhackz] nynz [fqhackz] kg
(reason= [event] possess cause that equal td [agent of eventhqbw] possess desire that equal td agenthqbw [x2].
x1 use knife nr nyd cause that equal td x1hqbw possess desire that equal td x1hqbw cut bread.)

pb = relative clause opener
fv = relative clause closer up to previous relative clause opener in phrase tail
ml = relative clause closer up to first relative clause opener in phrase tail
td = relational sentence opener
cz = relational sentence closer up to previous relational sentence opener
sj = relational sentence closer up to first relational sentence opener
nr = everything up to the last sentence is a relational sentence
kg = sentence ender/seperater

pwv = anaphor that refers to the previous relativized head in a phrase and represents the same individual concept that that relativized head represents

pwl = anaphor that refers to the first relativized head in a phrase and represents the same individual concept that that relativized head represents

fqv = anaphor that refers to the previous relativized head in a phrase andnot represents the same individual concept that that relativized head represents

fql = anaphor that refers to the first relativzed head in a phrase andnot represents the same individual concept that that relativized head represents

bw = suffix that indicates that its nycj refers to the first previous term that equals the nycj and represents the same individual concept that that term represents.

vq = suffix that indicates that its nycj refers to the first previous term that equals the nycj andnot represents the same individual concept that that term represents.

pwqb = relativized head

nycj = that that fills the variable in an affixal phrase

~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~
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