Ruminations (essentially...)

Posted by Kazper at 12:13pm Dec 12 '08
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I see a much better way of doing things that I would like to be able to do but currently don't know how to so it's likely that all of this will change in the future. I just thought I'd throw it out there 'cause it's kinda cool. :)


k kws k in c-ake
g kws g in g-o
f kws f in f-udge
m kws m in m-ilk
s kws s in sh-awn
b kws b in b-at
c kws c in s-orry
v kws v in v-ictory
d kws d in d-ate
t kws t in t-oast
o kws o in h-o-me
q kws q in h-i-t
r kws r in b-e-t
e kws e in m-ee-t
w kws w in L-u-cy
a kws a in r-a-te
x kws x in ar-ou-nd
y kws y in h-a-t
z kws z in m-a-ll
i kws i in M-i-ke
n kws n in n-ope
t* kws t* in th-e
j kws j in j-uice
p kws p in p-olice
z* kws z* in z-oo
j* kws j* in j-eudi
c* kws c* in Ch-uck
h kws h in h-ouse
r* kws r* in R-oger
l kws l in l-ove

Numerical Orders Of Letters:

k kws 1
g kws 2
f kws 3
m kws 4
s kws 5
b kws 6
c kws 7
v kws 8
d kws 9
t kws 10
o kws 11
q kws 12
r kws13
e kws 14
w kws 15
a kws 16
x kws 17
y kws 18
z kws 19
i kws 20
n kws 21
t* kws 22
j kws 23
p kws 24
z* kws 25
j* kws 26
c* kws 27
h kws 28
r* kws 29
l kws 30

k kws 1
g kws 2
f kws 3
m kws 4
s kws 5
b kws 6
c kws 7
v kws 8
d kws 9
t kws 10

o kws 1
q kws 2
r kws 3
e kws 4
w kws 5
a kws 6
x kws 7
y kws 8
z kws 9
i kws 10

n kws 1
t* kws 2
j kws 3
p kws 4
z kws 5
j* kws 6
c* kws 7
h kws 8
r* kws 9
l kws 10

Thematic Roles:

agent kws onrm (general word, noun that verb)
agent kws onrmo (voluntary agent)
agent kws onrmq (unvoluntary agent)

patient kws qt*rmo (general word, noun that noun verb)
patient kws qt*rmo (voluntary patient)
patient kws qt*rmq (unvoluntary patient)

recipient kws rjrm (general word, noun that noun verb noun vo)
recipient kws rjrmo (voluntary recipient)
recipient kws rjrmq (unvoluntary recipient)

source kws eprm (general word, noun that noun verb noun ov)
source kws eprmo (voluntary source)
source kws eprmq (unvoluntary source)

goal kws wz*rm (general word, noun that noun verb vo)
goal kws wz*rmo (voluntary goal)
goal kws wz*rmq (unvoluntary goal)

[[source]] kws aj*rm (general word, noun that noun verb ov)
[[source]] kws aj*rmo (voluntary [[source]])
[[source]] kws aj*rmq (unvoluntary [[source]])


[] kws kot*o (x1 koj*o x1 t*ok) (x1 before x1 this)
[] kws met*o (x1 mej*o x1 t*ok) (x1 during x1 this)
[] kws cxt*o (x1 cxj*o x1 t*ok) (x1 after x1 this)

(o,gwd kot*o kws day (before day this))

Affix Seperateers:


lo (derivational prefix seperateer)
lq (derivational suffix seperateer)


lr (inflectional prefix seperateer)
le (inflectional suffix seperateer)

I may now not make a distinction between derivational and inflectional (since it may not really exist in my language) but just between prefixes and suffixes. "lo" being the prefix seperateer and "le" being the suffix seperateer ("le" not "lq" since I'm finding it easier to pronounce).

lo prefix seperateer
le suffix seperateer


the kws t*e (x1 that I have in mind and that I think you know of)
a kws et* (x1 that I havenot in mind and that I think you knownot of)


[[Derivational Affixes:]]

-er kws on (prefix that attaches to a verb and creates a word that represents the agent of the verb) (noun that [verb])
-[ion] kws qt* (prefix that attaches to a verb and creates a word that represents the patient of the verb) (noun that noun [verb])
[] kws rj (prefix that attaches to a verb and creates a word that represents the recipient of the verb) (noun that noun [verb] noun vo)
[] kws ep (noun that noun [verb] noun ov)
[] kws wz (noun that noun [verb] vo)
[] kws aj* (noun that noun [verb] ov)

-ist kws qc (one that employs [noun])
[] kws mo (one that creates rvs g [qtc] possess truth)
[] kws tw (one that possess [noun])


colour kws konok

blue kws konqg
blue-violet kws konrf
violet kws konem
red-violet kws konws
red kws konab
red-orange kws konxc
orange kws konyv
yellow-orange kws konzd
yellow kws konit
yellow-green kws kqnok
green kws kqnqg
blue-green kws kqnrf

amber kws
beige kws
black kws
brown kws
crimson kws
cyan kws
gray kws
indigo kws
magenta kws
pink kws
purple kws
white kws

Maybe these words could be formed out of the words above...


and kws kon
or kws kqn
xor kws krn
if kws ken
iff kws kwn
but kws kan
then kws kxn (next in series)
[] kws kyn (x1 for sure and maybe x2)
so kws kzn (that being the case)

[] kws v (suffix for conjunctions that indicates that the last narrower of the last joined is the narrower of all joined.)

Days Of Week:

monday kws koom
tuesday kws gqom
wednesday kws from
thursday kws meom
friday kws swom
saturday kws baom
sunday kws cxom

Months Of Year:

january kws kooj
february kws gqoj
march kws froj
april kws meoj
may kws swoj
june kws baoj
july kws cxoj
august kws vyoj
september kws dzoj
october kws nkkotij
november kws nkkokoj
december kws nkkogij

(minutes, hours, day, weeks, months, years and [the like] are units of time.)

Emotion Words:

emotion kws mosok

angryness kws mosqg
fearfulness kws mosrf
loveness kws mosem
annoyness kws mosws
sadness kws mosab
shameness kws mosxc
happyness kws mosyv
confidenceness kws moszd
amusementness kws mosit
enviousness kws mqsok
hatredness kws mqsqg
anxiousness kws mqsrf


one kws koo
two kws gqo
three kws fro
four kws meo
five kws swo
six kws bao
seven kws cxo
eight kws vyo
nine kws dzo
zero kws tio

Units of measurement of quantity.

10^1 kws nkok
10^2 kws ngqg
10^3 kws nfrf
10^4 kws nmem
10^5 kws nsws
10^6 kws nbab
10^7 kws ncxc
10^8 kws nvyv
10^9 kws ndzd
10^10 kws ntit

10^11 kws knok
10^12 kws gnqg
10^13 kws fnrf
10^14 kws mnem
10^15 kws snws
10^16 kws bnab
10^17 kws cnxc
10^18 kws vnyv
10^19 kws dnzd
10^20 kws tnit

10^21 kws konk
10^22 kws gqng
10^23 kws frnf
10^24 kws menm
10^25 kws swns
10^26 kws banb
10^27 kws cxnc
10^28 kws vynv
10^29 kws dznd
10^30 kws tint

10^31 kws kokn
10^32 kws gqgn
10^33 kws frfn
10^34 kws memn
10^35 kws swsn
10^36 kws babn
10^37 kws cxcn
10^38 kws vyvn
10^39 kws dzdn
10^40 kws titn

Personal Pronouns:

I kws mok (first person)
we kws momq (first person and second person but not third person)
we kws momr (first person and third person but not second person)
we kws momqmr (first person and second person and third person)
you kws mqg (second person)
it kws mrf (third person)
she kws mrfo (third person female)
he kws mrfq (third person male)


on kws kot
onnot kws tok
under kws okt
undernot kws tko

around kws gqt
aroundnot kws tqg
in kws qgt
innot kws tgq

surround kws frt
surroundnot kws trf
[surrounded by] kws rft
[surrounded bynot] kws tfr

over kws met
overnot kws tem
[under] kws emt
[undernot] kws tme

[betwoon] kws swt
[betwoonnot] kws tws
between kws wst
betweennot kws tsw

[Prepositions Two:]

before kws j*oko (x1 [vrb] on left of time of beginning of event/s that equal g x2)
during/while kws j*emq (x1 [vrb] in time of middle of event/s that equal g x2)
after kws j*xcr (x1 [vrb] on right of time of ending of event/s that equal g x2)

for kws cz (x1 in place of x2)
with kws ci (x1 in time and location that equals time and location of x2)
at/to kws vo (x1 in direction of x2)
at kws vq (x1 on xor around xor surround... x2 A general word.)
from kws ov (x1 in direction that opposite direction of x2)
across kws y,kzc (x1 on side other and of x2)
through kws t*w (x1 from side of x2 vo side other and of x2)

-ed kws po (in past)
-s kws pq (in present)
will kws pr (in future)
always kws po,pqpr (in time all and in past and in present and in future)
sometimes kws o,pqp (in time some and in past and in present and in future)
never kws r,pqpop (in time zero and in past and in present and in future)

[] kws j*ok (x1 on left of time of beginning of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*qg (x1 in time of beginning of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*rf (x1 on right of time of beginning of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*em (x1 in time of middle of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*ws (x1 on left of time of ending of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*ab (x1 in time of ending of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*xc (x1 on right of time of ending of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*yv (x1 on left of time of beginning of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f ----- x1 on right of time of ending of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)
[] kws j*zd (x1 in time of beginning of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f --- x1 in time of ending of event/s that equal g x1 x2 f)

before kws koj*o (x1 off left of time of beginning of x2)
during/while kws mej*q (x1 in time of middle of x2)
after kws cxj*r (x1 off right of time of ending of x2)


aware kws oqsqk (general word)
see kws osk
hear kws qsg
smell kws rsf
taste kws esm
feel/touch kws uss

[Related To Sense Words]:

[] kws pzpoqsqk
appearance kws pzposk
sound kws pzpqsg
odour kws pzprsf
flavour kws pzpesm
texture kws pzpwss

eye kws ksop
ear kws gsqp
nose kws fsrp
tongue kws msep
hand kws sswp

Shape Words:

triangle kws frci (fro + cid)
square kws meci
5 gon kws swci
6 gon kws baci
7 gon kws cxci
8 gon kws vyci
9 gon kws dzci
10 gon kws nkkotici
16 gon kws nkkobaci
32 gon kws nkfrgqci
rectangle kws mecimz (meo + cid + mzmg)

pyramid kws frcifr (fro + cid + fro)
cube kws mecifr
5 gon 3d kws swcifr
6 gon 3d kws bacifr
7 gon 3d kws cxcifr
8 gon 3d kws vycifr
9 gon 3d kws dzcifr
10 gon 3d kws nkkoticifr
16 gon 3d kws nkkobacifr
32 gon 3d kws nkfrgicifr
rectangle 3d kws mecimzfr

[Side Words]:

Sides of object relative to itself.

front kws kod
back kws dok
right kws god
left kws dog
top kws fod
bottom kws dof

Sides of object relative to observer.

front kws kodmo
back kws dokmo
right kws godmo
left kws dogmo
top kws fodmo
bottom kws dofmo

Units Of Measurement Words:

length kws rng
width kws konrng
height kws gqt*rng
depth kws frjrng

area kws t*qgrng

volume kws jrfrng

(the t*qg of t*qgrng is used as a mneumonic of two. It's spelt backwards so that the word can be distinct from the word from which it is derived. The same explanation holds for jrfrng.)

millimeter kws nfmrt
square millimeter kws nfmrtgq
cubic millimeter kws nfmrtfr

meter kws mrt
square meter kws mrtgq
cubic meter kws mrtfr

kilometer kws mrtnf
square kilometer kws mrtgqnf
cubic kilometer kws mrtfrnf

degree kws dga

[Sentence Words]:

yes kws by ([[clause of equal of question possess truth]])
no kws yb ([[clause of equal of question possessnot truth]])

yes kws vrc (I in future attempt I create suggestion or request or command of you possess in future truth)
no kws crv (I in future attemptnot I create suggestion or request or command of you possess in future truth)

thanks/thank you kws tykc ([[I possess pleasure cause you transfer object xor objects to me. Or I possess pleasure cause you help/aid me.]])
you're welcome kws mrkzm ([[I possess pleasure cause you possess pleasure cause I transfer object xor objects to you. Or cause I help/aid you.]])

be quiet kws kirt (I possess suggestion xor request xor command you donot create sound c)

hello kws cyw (I acknowledge you)
goodbye kws ovz (
goodmorning/evening kws tz (I desire you day full pleasure equalnot violation and give pleasure to persons)


suggest kws vy
request kws bi
command kws dy
question kws co

require kws taqs
desire kws ta
need kws qs

cause kws ty
effect kws ti

reason kws qg
method kws da

fact kws qm (objective truth)
opinion kws mq (subjective truth)

certain kws cw,tqm
uncertain kws mq,twc

[Pointer Type Words]:

this kws t*ok (x1 k in presence I)
that kws t*qg (x1 k in presence you)
thon kws t*rf (x1 k in presence of it)
(x1 of the above can be ellipsed... when it can be ellipsed.)

that kws ba (x1 that I point in direction of or that arrow point in direction of)

here kws fe,t*ok (location t*ok)
there kws fe,t*qg (location t*qg)
there kws fe,t*rf (location t*rf)

[Range Words]:

short kws gmzm
long kws mzmg

slow kws tcyf
fast kws fyct

little kws q,tw
alot kws w,tq

small kws gqb
big kws bqg

soon kws cwn
later kws nwc

some kws kzmcz (x1 d kzmtqt tx kzmtqt et*)
all kws kzmzv (x1 d kzmtqt tx whole)

young kws zmg
middleaged kws zomog
old kws gmz

cold kws tyem
mild kws toyoem
hot kws meyt
(Perhaps o can be used to form middle words, coming in between, at most, the first three letters of a word...)

[Relative Words]:

parent kws dzco
mother kws dzd
father kws con

child kws dzcoko
daughter kws dzdko
son kws conko

grandchild kws dzcogq
granddaughter kws dzdgq
grandson kws congq

greatgrandchild kws dzcofr
greatgranddaughter kws dzdfr
greatgrandson kws confr

grandparent kws kodzco
grandmother kws kodzd
grandfather kws kocon

greatgrandparent kws gqdzco
greatgrandmother kws gqdzd
greatgrandfather kws gqcon

greatgreatgrandparent kws frdzco
greatgreatgrandmother kws frdzd
greatgreatgrandfather kws frcon

One puts themself in the parent category, if they have offspring, to figure out the names of those who are displaced to the right.
One puts themself in the child category to figure out the names of those who are displaced to the left.

~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~

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