
Posted by Kazper at 4:46pm Nov 29 '08
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Imagine if we lived in a society where various companies manufactured and sold Tesla saucers that the average joe could buy...

Counterfeiters may cause the price of products and services (Ps & Ss) to go up even more as the Ps & Ss that they use up and don't replace become less and less so that the demand becomes greater.

If money essentially represents Ps & Ss then a balance must be obtained between them... "Money supply can't exceed economic output."

Solve ambiguities that are problems in particular contexts and do not solve ambiguities that are not problems in particular contexts. Use that that is very seldom used only when it is needed. This may add complexity because it is a rare thing and so its function isn't easily remembered but to use it otherwise- is most annoyingly verbose!

If you need a reminder of how adorable Alicia Silverstone is, watch "Clueless". Daaamn, she fine.

One of the rules for... "The Universal Economic System" ("TUES") I think should be: 'No to not taking more than what you need and yes to not taking more than what can be given.' A rule for enforcing sustainable business practices. An enterprise cannot utterly destroy. They can kill plants and animals and displace them and what not only up to a point. That point would be... on the side of a relatively large safety margin (if x amount of trees felled will cause an irreversible destruction one can only fell an amount less than that...). Balance. Indeed take more than what you need and become excessively, "obscenely" wealthy. No problem. That's cool. But do it sustainably and build an empire that lasts. The more everyone benefits... the more everyone benefits.

Counterfeiters can always offer more because they can, theorhetically at least, just go and create as much money as they want.

If money represents Ps & Ss and there needs to be a kind of equillibrium between the two then the money supply has to be increased as Ps & Ss increase (I guess the reverse is true when Ps & Ss decrease). If the money supply is not increased (when Ps & Ss increase)... there's a kind of thinning and either the new Ps & Ss can't be obtained at all or they're obtained at the complete disregard for other Ps & Ss or the old and new Ps & Ss are obtained less. Somehow new money has to be injected into the system to raise the money supply to match increased Ps & Ss. Somehow they need to know how and when to do this.
Perhaps, a little new money has to be injected first to help create those new Ps & Ss (stimulus packages, I guess...). Perhaps this is where money lending comes in: "TUES" could function (at least one of its functions could be) as a bank. Entrepreneurs with business ideas could seek loans. If the proposed business idea passes some probability test testing if its probable that it will succeed the "TUES" could create the needed money and then lend it or give it...
Some money may still be needed to be created and given away for nothing though... Perhaps if peoples' tastes are known those who would be interested in a particular new P or S would be the ones some new money is given to, perhaps with conditions that they actually spend it on that new P or S...
"TUES" can just create new money but if no one has access to it then it'll just sit there...

I said this before but I'll say it again: unnecessary work shouldn't be pretended to be needed and no true junk should be created and manipulations used to trick people into wanting it in order to keep the economy going. A standard... filler job should be created that the unemployed can fill to earn some money, instead of being given it which could ruin the system, in order to keep the system going. We wanna keep the system going because there should always be at least some legitimate work taking place that requires the system since it's unlikely that we'll ever be able to be completely self-reliant, which then means trade and trade is facilitated by money.
If there's no legitimate construction work for a particular construction company then it could temporarily shut down and its workers could go to the filler job in the interim. When there's legitimate work again the workers could come back. No need to destroy and create something in its place just to keep people employed.
The filler job could be something that could be made to run and produce the standard [thing] completely autonomously. One filler job location, let's say, that could accomodate 10,000 workers could operate without even one worker but if even one worker needed some work, in anytime of day, they could just go in and do it.
The product being produced could be something that could be completely recycled so that there's no waste.
The job would be bearable but not overly pleasant in order to provide some motivation to not return through either coming up with business ideas or finding passions in other fields of work or if passions found aren't profitable to inspire those people to find ways to be more self-sufficient and require less money (the goal is not to create a consumer where one didn't exist but to allow the system that works for consumers to exist and survive and provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and for the creation of great things).
If there just isn't enough legitimate work for every consumer there's at least a standard job they can do so that they can take part in the system.
Though the goal is not to create consumers I think the goal should be to help people find their desires and to pursue them. To this end I think the filler job (which actually doesn't have to produce anything) should not really be pleasant at all (though there could possibly be a version for those who have found their desires and are only there temporarily...). Workers go to the job and exert some kind of effort, that's most unpleasureable but definitely bearable (it won't kill anybody).
One whose desires aren't profitable must either do something else for profit to avoid the filler job or devise a plan to get as self-sufficient as possible to decrease the amount of money they need so that they can avoid the filler job and devote more time to their desires.

~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~

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