
Posted by Kazper at 1:15pm Nov 16 '08
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'A proverb is an aphorism but an aphorism isn't necessarily a proverb.' No. A proverb is not an aphorism. An aphorism is an aphorism. If aphorism has a homonym which functions as a general name for both aphorism and proverb then a proverb could be an aphorism without an aphorism necessarily being a proverb. Just as red can be a colour without colour necessarily being red.

A monogamous person is one who is exclusive to one person. A promiscuous person is a one who is not exclusive to one person. A person who suffers negative consequences from being promiscuous while being dishonest is not a valid example for an arguement against promiscuity while being honest, it is a valid example for an arguement against promiscuity while being dishonest.

Experience is great but to say that one needs experience before they do anything is to prevent them from doing many things unless they are first instructed and lead by someone with experience. Did the... first founders of democracies have experience with democracies or had access to others who had that could instruct and lead them...? I don't think experience always... trumps all. A group of unexperienced can get together and create something new and develop experience along the way. They could create their own knowledge base and then build upon it.

Some assume that one who does not have an intelligent job must lack intelligence when it's entirely possible and completely reasonable to assume that they just lack the desire necessary to develop the skills necessary for said intelligent job. It's not a guarantee that they can but it's definitley not a guarantee that they can't.

There are times for stealing but is stealing just because you want something and can't afford it one of them?
Don't let that that is clear become murky. There's enough naturally murky to keep you frustrated already!

A problem with being a lowkey person is that you desire to remain lowkey and not do what you think makes a show of your morality. But if you know that it's not a show but what you need to do then you must summon the strength and do what you need to.

~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~
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