Posted by Kazper at 1:38pm Aug 9 '08
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-rkc wmo po,trk rkc duo dw ty g smzk sq facb ky gq c
-x1 protect x2 dw cause g rocks move in gq (direction that of gravity).
-x1 protect x2 dw posses cause that equals g rocks move dw in gq.
-x1 protects x2 from falling rocks.
-ma d bi g mi kobx a,god tyt mi d c
-i possess request g you convey a,god (quantity k of years from the event g mom of person bore personlqt f vo [point in time] of personlqt b) that you posses.
-i possess request that equals g you convey a,god (age) that you posses.
-How old are you?
-ma d a,god tyt tx trmldwo kolv crt c
-i possess age that equal tenltwo and seven.
-I am 27 years old.
-mi ky tzva c
-you in tzva (time k that after that person possess desire that equals g qtc in b).
-You are late.
(after = yftw = x1 off right of time [of] x2)
(qtc = [general pronoun] Could be anything: an event, a situation, a noun, [whatever].)
(you in ((time k off right of time) that person possess desire that equals g qtc in) c)
-ma d mq g szmb tyt ma d b fw qmtrc mi c
-i possess mq (opinion/subjective truth) g room that i possess b fw qmtrc (excite curiosity of) you.
-i possess mq that equals g room that i posses b fw qmtrc you.
-I think that you will be interested in the room I have to rent.
-xtlkeat tyt yvlkeat rd keat c
-creation that creator rd create.
-creation of creator.
(xt = that that person/object [action/preposition] (that that person create))
(yv = person/object that [action/preposition] (person/object that create))
-yvlkeat tyt keat xtlkeat c
-creator that create creation.
-creator of creation.
-twlbi d ta g twlbilqt tak zv cy molbi dw tdwc g twlbilqt gqv zv vo molbilqt c
-requestor possess desire g requestorlqt take pleasure cy (in direction opposite direction of) requestee dw more g requestorlqt give pleasure vo requesteelqt.
-requestor possess desire that equals g requestorlqt take pleasure cy requestee dw more that equals g requestorlqt give pleasure vo requesteelqt.
-A request is more for the pleasure of the requestor than it is for the requestee.
(tw = person/object that possess [qtc/noun] (person/object that possess request))
(mo = person/object that create event that equal g truth of [qtc] (person/object that create event that equal g truth of request (request posses truth)))
-twlvy d ta g twlvylqt gqv zv vo molvy dw tdwc g twlvylqt tak zv cy molvylqt c
-suggester possess desire g suggesterlqt give pleasure vo suggestee dw more g suggesterlqt take pleasure cy suggestlqt.
-suggester posses desire that equals g suggesterlqt give pleasure vo suggestee dw more that equals g suggesterlqt take pleasure cy suggestlqt.
-A suggestion is more for the pleasure of the suggestee than for the suggester.
-co,birt tx xtlcrvrkt t mi c
-sobriety equal selection of you.
-sobriety equal selection that of you.
-Sobriety is a choice you make.
-cw ybe txldr bwzczm tyt mi y,bqvqt g mi kydg te c xc ! ybelqt tx zbctw ! ys c
-cw ([quoting someone else opener]) happiness equallnot fish that you ability g you catch te ([quoting someone else closer]). xc ([quoting myself opener]) ! happinesslqt equal lobster ! ys ([quoting myself closer]).
-cw happiness equallnot fish that you possess ability that equal g you catch te. xc ! happinesslqt equal lobster ! ys.
-"Happiness is not a fish that you can catch." 'It's a lobster!'
(The beginning exclamation mark in my language is an upsidedown version and the ending one is a regular one. They're a tone of voice indicator for everything that's inbetween.)
-rvrm va kzmbyt rd d gwd c
-event person combat rd posses gwd (effect that equal g i posses pleasure).
-event that equal person combat rd possess gwd.
-Fighting used to be fun.
-mi qmtrc ma c
-you interest me.
-You are interesting.
~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~
-x1 protect x2 dw cause g rocks move in gq (direction that of gravity).
-x1 protect x2 dw posses cause that equals g rocks move dw in gq.
-x1 protects x2 from falling rocks.
-ma d bi g mi kobx a,god tyt mi d c
-i possess request g you convey a,god (quantity k of years from the event g mom of person bore personlqt f vo [point in time] of personlqt b) that you posses.
-i possess request that equals g you convey a,god (age) that you posses.
-How old are you?
-ma d a,god tyt tx trmldwo kolv crt c
-i possess age that equal tenltwo and seven.
-I am 27 years old.
-mi ky tzva c
-you in tzva (time k that after that person possess desire that equals g qtc in b).
-You are late.
(after = yftw = x1 off right of time [of] x2)
(qtc = [general pronoun] Could be anything: an event, a situation, a noun, [whatever].)
(you in ((time k off right of time) that person possess desire that equals g qtc in) c)
-ma d mq g szmb tyt ma d b fw qmtrc mi c
-i possess mq (opinion/subjective truth) g room that i possess b fw qmtrc (excite curiosity of) you.
-i possess mq that equals g room that i posses b fw qmtrc you.
-I think that you will be interested in the room I have to rent.
-xtlkeat tyt yvlkeat rd keat c
-creation that creator rd create.
-creation of creator.
(xt = that that person/object [action/preposition] (that that person create))
(yv = person/object that [action/preposition] (person/object that create))
-yvlkeat tyt keat xtlkeat c
-creator that create creation.
-creator of creation.
-twlbi d ta g twlbilqt tak zv cy molbi dw tdwc g twlbilqt gqv zv vo molbilqt c
-requestor possess desire g requestorlqt take pleasure cy (in direction opposite direction of) requestee dw more g requestorlqt give pleasure vo requesteelqt.
-requestor possess desire that equals g requestorlqt take pleasure cy requestee dw more that equals g requestorlqt give pleasure vo requesteelqt.
-A request is more for the pleasure of the requestor than it is for the requestee.
(tw = person/object that possess [qtc/noun] (person/object that possess request))
(mo = person/object that create event that equal g truth of [qtc] (person/object that create event that equal g truth of request (request posses truth)))
-twlvy d ta g twlvylqt gqv zv vo molvy dw tdwc g twlvylqt tak zv cy molvylqt c
-suggester possess desire g suggesterlqt give pleasure vo suggestee dw more g suggesterlqt take pleasure cy suggestlqt.
-suggester posses desire that equals g suggesterlqt give pleasure vo suggestee dw more that equals g suggesterlqt take pleasure cy suggestlqt.
-A suggestion is more for the pleasure of the suggestee than for the suggester.
-co,birt tx xtlcrvrkt t mi c
-sobriety equal selection of you.
-sobriety equal selection that of you.
-Sobriety is a choice you make.
-cw ybe txldr bwzczm tyt mi y,bqvqt g mi kydg te c xc ! ybelqt tx zbctw ! ys c
-cw ([quoting someone else opener]) happiness equallnot fish that you ability g you catch te ([quoting someone else closer]). xc ([quoting myself opener]) ! happinesslqt equal lobster ! ys ([quoting myself closer]).
-cw happiness equallnot fish that you possess ability that equal g you catch te. xc ! happinesslqt equal lobster ! ys.
-"Happiness is not a fish that you can catch." 'It's a lobster!'
(The beginning exclamation mark in my language is an upsidedown version and the ending one is a regular one. They're a tone of voice indicator for everything that's inbetween.)
-rvrm va kzmbyt rd d gwd c
-event person combat rd posses gwd (effect that equal g i posses pleasure).
-event that equal person combat rd possess gwd.
-Fighting used to be fun.
-mi qmtrc ma c
-you interest me.
-You are interesting.
~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~