
Posted by Kazper at 11:35am Aug 7 '08
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I don't want to force my particular way because I don't want particular ways forced on me and becasuse the followers would not be genuine. I wan't ("desperately" so) true believers.

Make what you force very little. That which absolutely cannot be tolerated. And simply have no dealings with all the rest, if need be.

Hey you! What are you about? Are you one who tries to get power over others or are you one who tries to enlighten (what you think to be enlightening) others? If the latter, why do you use words with such negative connotations? Do you have "legitimate" reasons (perhaps you want to reclaim the word or can't find another) or are you actually about the former? Be genuine. I see nothing wrong with being a euphamist from time to time if you're tryin' to get your character across and empower and not enslave.

Do I want work that's at my level of competency? No. No such work exists. I'm incompetent! Really. I am. I can't function. I want the simplest job possible. I just want ot get by until I can go to my land. My land of freedom where hopefully I will pursue various desire much better than I do now.

Calm yourself. think. Let some time pass before you react to the words and expressions of others. the words and expressions, though theirs and so should be a... reflection of their character, may have been a poor choice. The actual meanings of words may not be the meanings the converyer thought or may not be general enough or particualr enough. The expressions may be too general and subtleties that the conveyer is aware of may not be being expressed. there could be lots of reasons- why we should not be so quick to pounce! (I'm talking to myself as much, if not more, than to anyone else, which is pretty much always the case.)

Let's not beat eachother up. If you're not interested in empowering another because of the effort involved at least do not attempt to enslave them. Leave them be. Respect them.

Perhaps all one has to do to be what I consider great (at least a general great) is show respect (honesty that one convey without the intent to negatively manipulate or enslave another). More particular greats to me would have tact (which is not clearly defined for me), would... think (perhaps) as I do that morality is relative and that we all do cause then effect then cost and benefit analysis reasoining,... would (and this might be for generals too) recognized relatvie/subjective truths from objective truths (would recognize that just because they don't like something doesn't mean that it's necessarily wrong). And really, one may not need to have these but merely try for thses in order to be what I consider great.
Still gotta try and think on this and determine for sure what it is that makes one great to me...

Laziness is not doing what you need or want to do.

"And what is the essence of religion? The great aspiration of the human spirit toward the highest, the noblest, the best. The human spirit as the creator and the conquerer of the ideal."

A multicultural society is not the society that I desire. It's not because I necessarily dislike other cultures (in fact I desire for there to be many societies) but because a multicultural society necessitates too much compormise. I want a society that facilitates the getting of what I want so it must be made up of people who want pretty much what I want.
added on 11:37am Aug 7 '08:
Crap! The little freakin' pointer musta been over the submit button when I hit enter to start a new paragraph. Freakin' annoying! Forgive all the mistakes. I write it fast then go over it. Shitty!
added on 11:43am Aug 7 '08:
Crap again!

~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~
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