HINTS to This Month's tallmanian Movie Challenge

Posted by tallman at 10:05am Nov 28 '09
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Ok folks, I'm sorry, I apparently made this month's movie challenge way too hard. Only 2 of you have entered so far! And one of those was [private], who usually doesn't even attempt serious answers...

So in the interest of making things more fun, I've decided that some hints are in order. Also, if you want to fire up IMDB, go right ahead. The winner will still get their choice of DVD from my collection:)

Anyway, here goes:

(Click on each image to see a larger version)

Screenshot 1:
One of the two Thanksgiving themed movies, this one concerns various methods of travel...
Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2:
Another film that takes place during Thanksgiving, and also during a storm.
Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3:
Bill Paxton playing a vampire
Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4:
The more famous shot from this scene involves a crop duster flying behind one of those characters...
Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5:
This was one of those that was meant to be impossible. That's Boris Karloff playing a guy who came back to life, but even then, this is a tough one.
Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6:
One of the easier ones I think. This one concerns a group of documentary filmmakers lost in the woods.
Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7:
That's [private] Russell and he's in the antarctic
Screenshot 7

Screenshot 8:
This shot is inspired by art of H.R. Giger and it depicts the inside a derelict spacecraft.
Screenshot 8

Screenshot 9:
Sutter Cane!
Screenshot 9

Screenshot 10:
Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies?
Screenshot 10

I hope that helps. PM your answers to me:)

FYI, these are the remaining prize DVDs:

-- Eyes Wide Shut - Kubrick's last movie! No commentary in extras, just interviews with Cruise, Kidman and Spielberg

-- War of the Worlds - The recent Spielberg/Cruise verson. Fullscreen edition.

-- Aliens Special Edition Directors Cut - Not the awesome new 2 disc version, the older directors cut (doesn't have the theatrical cut on it). No commentary, but a couple of extra features. Also, awesome movie.

-- Serenity - Widescreen version. Again, it's the first version of the DVD that came out, but it's got tons of extras including commentary and a couple of cool featurettes (if you like the series, etc...)

-- Hellboy - 2 disc special edition. A pretty good one, actually:)

-- City on Fire - Chow Yun Fat! Ringo Lam! Actually, one of the most craptacular discs evar. It doesn't have subtitles and the translation in the dub is awful. Honestly, I shouldn't even put this one on the list. Why am I doing this? It's a good movie, but the version on this disc sucks ass.

-- XXX - Ok, so it's not the worst movie in the world, but if you knew me, would you give this movie to me as a gift? I didn't think so. But hey, different strokes. If it's your thing and you win, I'll be happy to send you my copy:)

And if none of those work, I might be able to find something else for ya. I'm not interested in replacing my entire collection of DVDs with Blu-Rays, but certainly some of them could use some upgrading...


added on 5:06pm Dec 1 '09:
UPDATE: I probably won't get to the next issue until this weekend (i.e. December 5-6), so there's still plenty of time to enter:)

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