Reading these now

Posted by Kromey at 6:19pm Mar 20 '12
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Rather, have read the first two, about halfway through the third.

It's been a damn long time since any book -- hell, since anything -- has pulled at my emotions as much as these have: Seems I can't make it through a single chapter with dry eyes! One of the most emotionally powerful stories I think I've ever read.

I will agree there were things I didn't like. Such as how the Quarter Quell (in the second book) started (i.e. once the Games actually began): lots of build-up, and then nothing, but I won't go into any more detail than that so as to avoid spoilers.

Strangely, the first-person present-tense didn't bother me. In fact, I had to go back and look to see that they were written that way! Normally I dislike first-person (I'm ambivalent on present-tense versus past-tense, unless it's done poorly), but somehow it really worked this time, and was done so well I didn't even notice it!

The first book is better than the second (holding off comment on the third until I finish it, although so far I think it's an upswing), but it's still really damned good. And with all the positive reviews the movie's getting -- and with the author of the books having co-wrote the script! -- I'm pretty excited about seeing that, too -- if the movie's even half as good as the book, it will be the best thing to have come out of Hollywood since the (original) Star Wars trilogy!

May the odds be ever in your favor!
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