At the Mountains of Madness

Posted by tallman at 11:43pm May 23 '06
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How many people actually ended up reading this? I'm just starting Mona Lisa Overdrive and I know the discussion's going to start shifting in that direction soon, so I figured I'd just try and get a recap of everyone's thoughts. So I'm going to list a bunch of questions, and anyone who's read the book can answer. I think there were only 4 or 5 people who read this, but if there are more of you, now's your chance:)

1. Did you like the book? Why or why not?
2. Have you ever read Lovecraft before? If so, did that enhance or detract from this book?
3. Does placing the book in its historical context (post-war, and post stock market crash) affect your opinion of the book? Should it?
4. One of Lovecraft's standard techniques is to approach the supernatural from a scientific standpoint, the point being that making it seem more realistic makes it more scary. Does that work here?
5. Speaking of science, in this age of satellites and Google Earth, does knowing that the mountains Lovecraft describes don't exist detract from the story? I imagine the concept of discovering an ancient city in the wasteland of the antartic would be somewhat plausible at the time this book was published, but not so much now. Does that detract from the book?

Anyone who has read, please reply:) You don't have to fill in too much detail if you don't want:)

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