I used to play the shit out of this game

Posted by Sir Four at 8:25pm Nov 19 '12
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Like, back before there even was an NES. We're talkin old school.

You were an Indiana Jones type exploring an ancient tomb in search of an idol, which you had to retrieve and bring back to the surface. You can pick up items along the way such as a pistol and bullets, a machete, and dynamite (the dynamite could be used to blow up floors and walls as well as bad guys). The levels were randomly generated, so you never knew where the hell you were going. They also included traps where the walls would close up and the room filled with water--that always sucked.

The best part were all the creatures. You start out encountering scorpions, snakes, big spiders. As you go things get more bizarre, with dinosaur-like beasts and weird tentacle monsters. I always loved dropping dynamite on those.

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