FTL: Best-spent $9 in a long time!

Posted by Kromey at 2:03pm Sep 17 '12
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Bought this game on Steam this weekend; it was on sale, marked down from its usual $10 price tag.


I suck at it -- haven't even beaten the Rebel flagship once, and I've played dozens of games on Easy already (16.3 hours in just the last two days)! -- but it's a lot of fun guiding your ship through space and blowing up pirates, slavers, and rebel scum while trying to keep your own ship from falling apart.

My only complaints with the game:
Too much reliance on random events -- if you don't get all the exact right events as you race through the sectors, you'll not have the equipment and upgrades necessary to put up a fight when you reach the boss. Speaking of which...

Way too much of a leap in difficulty when you encounter the boss -- the boss ship is easily 10 times more difficult than any other ship you face in the game. Yes, bosses should be tougher, but the leap here is just astronomical!

Still, the game, despite being very hard, is a helluva lot of fun! It's on sale through the 21st, so hurry over to the Steam Store and buy it, buy it now!

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