Fruity oatmeal

Posted by Kromey at 7:04pm Feb 8 '10
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Simple recipe I got from my mother, has helped to improve my diet by switching me from greasy breakfast sandwiches to oatmeal every morning.

1½ cups water
¼ cup dried fruit
¾ cup oatmeal

Bring dried fruit and water to a boil in a non-stick pot. Add oats and cook over med/med-high heat until almost dry (about 5 minutes), stirring occasionally.

Total time to prep and cook (including washing yesterday's oatmeal pot, bowl, and spoon): about 10 minutes. (Cleanup tip: immediately after dishing out your hot oatmeal into your bowl, put a drop of dishsoap into the put and fill it with water; leave it to soak overnight, and the thing will practically rinse clean the next morning!)

Vary what fruit you put in to give yourself variety, which helps to make the oatmeal palatable every morning instead of becoming boring. I've been switching between a three-cherry blend and a blueberry, cranberry, and cherry mixture as the whim strikes me. Raisins are also very good. Try different dried fruits/berries to see what you like; some will develop an unpleasant texture when they're boiled, but most will plump up nicely as they soak up some of the water that was dried out of them. They also add some of their sugars and flavor to the water itself, which then gets soaked up by the oats - win-win!

I use a pot 6 inches across by 3 inches deep; if yours is much smaller, you may need to stir more often than "occasionally" -- perhaps even continually! -- to keep it from boiling over; a slightly lower heat will also help keep it from boiling over.
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