There's still lots of people out there

Posted by Kromey at 7:21pm Oct 16 '13
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for whom it is far from settled.

For example, the professor and his grad student behind this study that really only proves that Oreos taste better than rice cakes (well, to lab rats, but you and I both know which we would prefer, too!), which they are positioning in a way that clearly puts them in the position of advocating a War on Some Drugs-style "War on Fat".

Hell, when I posted this Reason article on Facebook -- which clearly downplays the addictiveness of these drugs and all but ridicules the effort to open up the "War on Fat" -- it was immediately re-shared by a friend whose comment explicitly re-positioned it as being anti-junk food! She saw the connection to drugs, knew the "science" behind its addiction, and immediately trumpeted this as: "Junk food is engineered to be addicting by using our biology against us."

So, you and I may know the flaws in the early studies that were used to bolster the political agendas, and the more recent studies that completely debunk them, but there's still a helluva lot of people for whom this is a scientific debate still.

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