Yeah, I do hate that

Posted by Sir Four at 9:06am Jun 15 '13
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I also hate non-removable batteries. Anything that has a non-removable battery is a product with an expiration date.

I hear the argument for non-removable batteries is that manufacturers are able to make devices thinner. I find this a bit dubious, but even if true I'd sacrifice a bit of thinness. It can't make that much of a difference. Non-removable batteries also freak me out a bit, because sometimes you might want to hard reset that mofo by disconnecting the battery.

There is really no excuse for lacking a card slot, though. They surely must do it for marketing purposes: Sure you can buy the 16GB version for $200 but only losers do that. You really want the $250 version with 32GB!

So that's a $50 markup for 16GB, which is like $40 profit right there. The lousy sons of bitches. Devices should not be moving toward less customization! I blame Apple for this.

Haha..that was a rant, I guess.

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