Re: First let me chime in with this:

Posted by Sir Four at 12:34pm Feb 5 '14
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And the big names -- Nikon, Canon, Sony -- all have quality glass (Nikon and Canon beat out Sony, but not to any degree anyone short of a high-grade professional would ever notice).

That's what I figured. As a total amateur, I'm not interested in one lens being slightly better than another. What I'm interested in is just getting that step up that I assume any of these decent cameras gives over point and shoots. I want something that's going to perform in a wider range of lighting conditions. I want to be able to crop a pic and still have it print and look good, or blow something up to 8x11. I also want to be able to achieve a shallower depth of field.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong about point and shoots having APS-C sensors, though. They all seem to have very small sensors. A larger sensor will receive more light per shot, so should naturally grab more detail.

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